Тимус (вилочковая железа)

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в эпителиальных клетках являются белки цитоскелета (у человека

- цитокератин). /2335к/96/

Высказывались предположения о возможной патогенетической ро-

ли аутоантител, реагирующих с эпителием тимуса, в развитии по-

ражения тимуса и последующем формировании Т-клеточного ИД-та.

Однако прямые данные о последствиях их взаимодействия с эпите-

лиальными клетками тимуса в литературе отсутствуют, что делает

все суждения относительно их физиологической и (или) патогене-

тической роли умозрительными. /2335к/96/


Montgomery RA. Dallman MJ.

Semi-quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis of cytokine and

cytokine receptor gene expression during thymic ontogeny.


Cytokine. 9(10):717-26, 1997 Oct.

Semi-quantitative, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to uncover the

patterns of cytokine transcription in the mouse thymus from day 14 to day

20 of gestation, a time period which includes many of the important events

in thymic ontogeny. Interleukin 4 (IL-4), IL-7 and interferon gamma

(IFN-gamma) mRNA is abundant from fetal day (Fd) 14-16, corresponding with

the period of rapid proliferation of immature thymocytes in vivo. As the

level of mRNA for these cytokines diminishes, the induction and increased

expression of IL-3 and IL-2 occurs. The transcription of these cytokines

correlates temporally with the period of proliferation-dependent

phenotypic differentiation between Fd 16 and 20. The thymic epithelium

(TE)-derived cytokines including IL-1alpha, IL-6 and

granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) begin to be

transcribed between Fd 14-15 and show peak mRNA abundance from Fd 16-20.

IL-5, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and LT (lymphotoxin or

TNF-beta) constitute a fourth group of cytokines, along with the IL-4

receptor (IL-4R), which are transcribed at an even level throughout the

fetal period. The IL-2 receptor beta chain (IL-2Rbeta) and IL-10 show

abundant mRNA from Fd 14-20 and have a peak level of mRNA content on Fd

16. Taken together, these studies uncover complex, overlapping patterns of

cytokine gene expression. The mRNA abundance and pattern of expression of

each cytokine or cytokine receptor may indicate the relative contribution

that it makes to different stages of fetal thymic ontogeny.Copyright 1997

Реферат опубликован: 16/06/2005 (6173 прочтено)